VIDEO Tramway lights are back on!
STRATFORD-UPON-AVON'S historic Tramway Bridge resembles a space age runway after the lights were switched back on.
The somewhat controversial £90,000 reinstatement of the lights was completed on Tuesday.
The lights were originally installed as part of the World Class Stratford initiative at a cost of £138,000 in 2010 but have been a source of frustration for many in Stratford.
Despite their enormous cost, the programmable coloured lights malfunctioned and became unreliable.
But in November 2015 Stratford District Council finally decided to pay for the necessary repairs.
At the time the council had a range of options available, from doing nothing to completely reinstating the lights though their decision to opt for the latter made some suggest the authority was throwing good money after bad.
Even the plan to reinstate the lights has been hit by setbacks, as work was originally scheduled to take place prior to the Shakespeare celebrations in April.
A delay in finding a suitable contractor has meant that such works were postponed until now.
CLICK HERE to see more footage of the new lights.
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