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Hedgehog Friendly Town group gets letter from David Attenborough

Sophie Smith and Kyra Barboutis, with their letter of support from David Attenborough, inset.
Sophie Smith and Kyra Barboutis, with their letter of support from David Attenborough, inset.

SIR David Attenborough has given his support to Stratford-upon Avon's Hedgehog Friendly Town group.

The broadcaster and naturalist told Kyra Barboutis and Sophie Smith, who run the group: "I’m so glad you are doing so much to help hedgehogs. They need all the help they can get."

Kyra and Sophie - Pride of Stratford Award winners - set up the group in 2015 to raise awareness of the declining hedgehog population.

Since then they have helped 161 hedgehogs before releasing them back into the wild, and given 26 educational presentations, while both girls have rehabilitation centres set up in their homes and gardens.

They have also had the backing of Noel Fitzpatrick, aka Channel Four's SuperVet.

Noel said: "Kyra and Sophie are true stars shining brightly for the animal kingdom. You are making a massive difference in a world that needs people like you to show the way.”

Kyra said: "To have Sir David Attenborough actually hand write a note to us is unbelievable.

"He is just amazing, I was delighted and honoured. It’s going to make me work even harder to make a difference. He really is one of the most well loved and respected men on the planet.”

Sophie added: "Supervet is so inspiring, both Kyra and I are huge fans and have booked tickets to go see him at the NEC in November.

"For him to acknowledge us on all his social media pages like that was so brilliant."

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