CELEBRITIES and Royalty dominate our front page this week as we reveal the stellar line up of stars of stage, and big and small screen who will be in…
THE HSBC branch in Studley will close on Friday, 15th April, the company has confirmed. The campaign to keep the branch in Alcester Road open was supported…
STRATFORD-UPON-AVON Ramblers will lead a special week of walks in which they will take people into the countryside that surrounds William Shakespeare’s…
INTERNATIONAL technology company Semcon has relocated its UK headquarters from Kineton to Warwick. The Swedish giant, which was based at Kineton, has…
A COPY of Romeo and Juliet in Russian that was handed to the Shakespeare Memorial Library in Birmingham by a 30-strong delegation from the Soviet Union…
STRATFORD-UPON-AVON town centre streets are set to be thumping with the arrival of this year's Stratford Festival of Motoring next month. The annual May…
Two all-female Leafcutter Ant colonies have taken up residence at Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm. Atta cephalotes, to give them their official name,…
A GIANT art cube, a BBC Radio 3 workshop and a World Record attempt will form part of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s contribution to the annual Shakespeare…
SHAKESPEARE’S signet ring — renowned for being pressed into molten wax seals — is to be recreated by Stratford-upon-Avon jewellers Pragnells in a unique…
WITH Father’s Day just around the corner how about spoiling the special man in your life with an extra special gift? Picture this, your dad on the first…
A MAN has appeared in court to face 12 charges including two relating to two car fires on a Warwick estate at the weekend. Tom Michael Weedon, of no fixed…
THREE leading south Warwickshire businessmen have told the Stratford-upon-Avon Herald want Britain out of the EU. They are Denys Shortt, founder, chairman…
SIX people will contest next month's election to be the next Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner. The deadline for nominations passed on Wednesday…
The Stratford-upon-Avon Herald has teamed up with Muffin Break on The Maybird to offer its customers the perfect coffee break experience. Your favourite…
ONE of Stratford-upon-Avon’s leading business figures has told commercial leaders they have to go for growth or risk their companies failing. Denys Shortt…
MORE details are revealed in today's Stratford-upon-Avon Herald about the events that led to the death of Tristram Wallace in an attack in the town centre…
RAIL enthusiast and music mogul Pete Waterman has launched a campaign to raise the £1.25million needed to reopen a new railway station in Broadway over…
THERE is an extra special reason to pick up your copy of the Herald tomorrow – we're giving you a 48-page Shakespeare Anniversary Supplement absolutely…
FOUR people launched a ferocious attack on Tristram Wallace in broad daylight near Stratford-upon-Avon town centre that led to his death, a jury at Birmingham…
THE Shakespeare Hospice’s annual moonlit walk will have a neon glow this year. Let It Glow , as the walk has now be named, takes place on Saturday, 4…