The flower festival helped raise in excess of £1,000.
Road re-opened after traffic collision near Stratford-upon-Avon.
Fresh bid on the table for government funding worth £13.6 in Stratford town centre
Homeless and vulnerable people get help and support at Fred Winter Centre
The new 123+ service aims to be greener but there are worries about the general rubbish being collected every three weeks.
Wonderland has just opened in Bell Court.
Matthew Carvell said he was overjoyed to have his two English springer spaniels back home.
Dominic Hannett and James Smith played 72 holes of golf to raise awareness of prostate cancer
Both schools need to provide extra space for more students.
The RSPCA is investigating after the animal's burnt remains were discovered.
But his other dog, stolen at the same time, is still missing.
The baton relay passes through Stratford an Gaydon on Friday, 22nd July
007 taxi boss explains Stratford shortages and says sorry to customers
Site of former Bishopton church St Peter's blooms with the help of volunteers
Stratford resident Richard Hartley pledged to try to raise the £25,000 needed to build the new toilet block.
Ball games, skateboarding, and parking motorbikes restricted on Bancroft Gardens, Rec and Tramway in Stratford as byelaws approved by district council
Planning regulations breached at 78 Tiddington Road but Stratford district councillors vote against enforcement and bans public from meeting
Parents highly critical of new School Bill being discussed in House of Lords
Emma Simms' epilepsy meant she had frightening hallucinations - now she is campaigning for better mental health support for neurological conditions
Alveston Leys and Canning Court care homes take part in fundraiser for Dementia UK