Studley Village Hall trustees devastated at winding up the charity that runs the building
TRUSTEES of Studley Village Hall have said they are devastated after they were forced to liquidate the charity that runs the building and hand over management to the parish council.
The move comes after the parish council clerk wrote to the hall’s management committee last April to inform them that the rent was going up – from a peppercorn rent lease agreement of £1 a year to £33,500, bringing the agreement in line with comparable commercial rates.
Before the energy price hikes, the hall made a modest profit which put towards maintenance and repairs, the trustees said. However, since last spring it started making a loss every month.
The committee said it came to the reluctant decision in the summer, after consulting with its accountant, to enter a solvent liquidation process.
It notified the council of the decision to wind up the charity up in June and the hall will now be managed by the council.
A statement issued to the Herald on behalf of the trustees said: “The directors, and management committee would like to make clear that the decision taken by the committee to wind the company up, was made in order to save the village hall for the community.
“We were devastated to have to take these steps, but with the unresolved issue of an unrealistic rent demand of £33,500 and the extraordinary survey commissioned by the parish council, which listed repairs and refurbishments, many of which were unnecessary costing £120,000, it made it clear to us all that we were unable to continue to operate the village hall for the community.
“Our sole income stream comes from renting out the village hall to the local community at community rates. These have reached the ceiling that the community are prepared to pay, especially in the current financial crisis, which makes it particularly difficult for voluntary organisations.
“After giving the parish council three-months’ notice of our intention to wind the business up and hand over to them, we worked with councillors and clerks to ensure a positive and seamless hand over. Our excellent staff made sure that all the community organisations who use the hall were looked after and all information pertaining to the running of the hall was passed on to the parish council.”
The charity also handed over all of its assets, while its reserves of about £7,000 were donated to the library.
A spokesperson for Studley Parish Council said it put measures in place to continue the running of the hall from the end of August.
The council said in a statement: “This signifies a new chapter in the hall’s management and operations. For years, the Studley Village Hall has served as a focal point for community gatherings, events, and activities, fostering connections and memories that resonate with generations.
“Studley Parish Council acknowledges and commends the valuable contributions made by the management company and the trustees of Studley Village Hall Charity. Their passion, dedication, and tireless work have ensured that the hall remains a vibrant hub for the community's diverse range of functions.
“As the council takes on direct management, it assures all users and residents of the village that it remains committed to upholding the hall’s cherished legacy while exploring new avenues for community engagement and growth.”
The hall, which was built in 2003 and had charitable status, was gifted to the parish council in 2008. To keep overhead costs to a minimum, a voluntary management committee was put in place to run the venue and employed three people.