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Hair-raising night in store for Sarah-Jane

WHEN Sarah-Jane Skarratt goes to a charity ball on Saturday, 20th October she will arrive in a ball gown with a full head of hair, but by the time she departs most of her hair will have been cut off for the charity Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Sarah-Jane, aged 51, from Mickleton, is hoping to raise £500 for pulmonary fibrosis which is an incurable lung disease affecting 32,500 people in the UK; most survive less than five years once diagnosed.

The close shave is being done in memory of John Rose, a family friend who was also grandfather to Laura Lyth and Emily Rose Lyth who are both old school friends of Sarah-Jane’s daughter, Issy, at Chipping Campden School.

Before he passed away with pulmonary fibrosis last August, aged 83, John asked Laura to do something in his memory so she’s organised the charity ball at The Cotswold House Hotel in Chipping Campden where Sarah-Jane will have her hair cut very short by Charlotte Goulding of The Organic Hair Angels and Chipping Campden Barber Shop. Sarah-Jane’s hair will then be given to The Little Princess Trust.

“I’ve been growing my hair for over two years now in time for Issy’s wedding last June where Emily was matron of honour. I met John a few times and wanted to do something in his memory so I decided to get most of my hair cut off to raise money and awareness about the lung disease,” Sarah-Jane said.

She’s so far raised £165 towards her target. To support Sarah-Jane visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sarah-jane-skarratt

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