Hundreds turn out on Saturday morning to demand SWFT deliver promised new hospital (with beds) in Shipston
Hundreds of people, young and old, took to the streets of Shipston today (Saturday) to demand a new hospital.
Around 450 people joined the demonstration organised by the League of Friends of Shipston Hospital. They marched from the back of the White bear at 11am and made their way to the old hospital site.
The league handed over £635,000 towards the cost of rebuilding the town’s community hospital in 2018, but since then South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust has stalled on the promise of building a replacement hospital, and saying final plans were contingent on a long-awaited results of a bed review.
SWFT appeared to launch a counter-offensive ahead of the march when large billboard-style posters appeared in the town on Friday proclaiming ‘New hospital opening in 2024’.
However the protestors told the Herald that what SWFT was proposing – a ‘wellbeing hub’ without beds or clinicians, except for physiotherapists - did not constitute a hospital.
Making the point, protestors at the head of the march wheeled a hospital bed, while chants of ‘Beds for the Badger’ filled the air, and many banners proclaimed the need for beds.
Among those present was Dr Manuela Perteghella, LibDem spokesperson and district councillor.
She said: "We are a mainly rural district with an older demographic, therefore the provision of a comprehensive healthcare facility including rehabilitative and palliative care close to home is not only essential but should be a model for a national health strategy. It's shocking that the beds review is still ongoing, adding to the concerns about the provision of beds for the Badger.
She added: "And where was our MP? Why was he not marching with us to demand the hospital the town was promised?"
See full story in Thursday’s Stratford Herald (24th November).