Residents told to get flood alerts
ALMOST 500 people who live in Stratford-on-Avon district are at risk of flooding from a river, according to the Environment Agency.
And it has taken the opportunity, following last week’s heavy rain, to remind those people that they can sign up for flood alerts.
Just half of those 481 who are at risk according to agency records are on the list to get early warnings of possible flooding.
All the rivers around Stratford rose to well over their normal levels during last week’s storms.
Rob Humphries, flood resilience adviser from the Environment Agency, said: “We’ve seen the devastating impacts that flooding can have on people’s lives and livelihoods.
“Doing things like checking your risk, signing up for flood warnings and having a plan for what to do if it floods can give people vital time to get themselves, their loved ones and their possessions out of harm’s way.”
People can find out if they’re eligible to receive flood warnings, and then register, by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188, or by visiting the website