Stratford District's Roll of Honour is unveiled
The names of every serviceman in the district who died in the First World War have been collected together for the first time in a Roll of Honour by the district council.
The Roll of Honour was unveiled at the Chairman’s Remembrance Service yesterday (Thursday).
The document has been compiled in collaboration with town and parish councils, and while most parishes have a record of their own losses, there has never before been a complete record covering the whole of Stratford District.
As part of the council’s commemorations, the authority has launched its own dedicated First World War website, which also features the names of every fallen soldier.
Cllr Christopher Kettle, chairman of Stratford District Council, said: “We will never know the numbers who came home with those visible or invisible scars from that conflict, but we do know those who did not come home, the Roll of Honour shows 1,567 residents of this district did not come home.”
To view the online Roll of Honour visit