Bidford 56-year-old Lisa Stewart highlights workplace ageism as she struggles to find work despite master’s degree and 30 years’ experience
FORTY emails and one year on since she started applying for jobs, a Bidford woman is convinced she’s the victim of ageism.
Despite 56-year-old Lisa Stewart’s master’s degree and 30 years’ experience, it’s proving impossible to find work. Even a 12-year track record as a medical secretary at a major NHS hospital doesn’t merit a reply from potential employers.
As well as 40-plus emails sent to recruitment agencies in Stratford, Alcester, Evesham, Worcester and elsewhere, she’s applied for 30 jobs via online site Indeed and contacted many care homes, schools and charities directly. Only one or two have replied, and none have invited her for interview.
She said: “It makes me feel despondent and almost invisible that they can’t be bothered to reply, even if only to say ‘there’s nothing at the moment but we’ll keep you on file.’
“There’s plenty of office and admin work in the Stratford district – I think it must be my age because even though I don’t put that on my CV, they can work it out from my experience.
“I’m a grafter and will do any type of admin work but from talking to others in my age group, I know I’m not alone in struggling to find anything.”
She added: “Perhaps employers worry we’re going to want to retire in five years’ time, but many of us will have to work on into our 70s.”
Lisa, a qualified arts psychotherapist and drama therapist, moved back to her home county Warwickshire a couple of years ago, after living in Bristol for more than 12 years.
A ray of hope is that Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce is encouraging and advising her, including workshops to help her set up her own business or consultancy.
The irony is that the government talks of a national skills shortage and says it wants to address the fact that many over 50s have left the workplace and actively entice them back.
National think-tank and charity The Centre for Ageing Better says the data shows employment rates for the 50-64 age group have hit a record high. But, it adds, those aged 50 and above face greater difficulty in accessing work-related training and re-entering employment than younger age groups.
Keely Hancox, head of operations at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Since Covid, employers have been crying out for more people to come back into the workforce and it’s vitally important that no section of the population is ruled out.
“Life expectancy is at an all-time high and we know people over 50 have a wealth of skills and experience to offer.
“The number of pensioners is rising dramatically and so we need a vibrant workforce to support a population that is growing older.”
But she added: “Existing business support and employment support services often neglect the unique needs of those over 50 with entrepreneurial aspirations, as well as evidence that shows over-50s take jobs that are far short of their vast skills and experience.”
As part of a drive to better understand and support older workers, the Chamber has been working with Dr Isabella Moore of the Olderpreneur Alliance. Dr Moore’s doctoral research, completed at Aston Business School, focused on later-life entrepreneurship. As an olderpreneur herself, she’s developed a programme The Later Creator, which the Chamber also supports.
Ms Hancox added: “Together, we believe passionately that this is an untapped market, with over-50s not only needing support, but also being able to greatly contribute to the economic wealth of our region.”
Meantime, Lisa is keen to hear from other over-50s who are experiencing the same thing and perhaps aren’t keen to go down the route of setting up their own business. She said: “I’d like to see a dialogue opened between over-50s and employers, where we get employers on board to find out how we can work together.”