Tysoe family's holiday from hell
A Tysoe family have hit the headlines with tales of their holiday from hell in Mauritius.
Jo Carroll, partner Steve Taylor and their two children William, six, and Bob aged eight months, returned from their trip away with stories of huge rats, food poisoning, mouldy walls and broken glass in the swimming pool.
Despite the all-inclusive holiday being marketed as a platinum experience, the trip turned into a nightmare for the family who say they will never get that two weeks back.
Since returning home in April, Jo and Steve say holiday company Thompson have offered some compensation, first £400 before eventually rising to £2,000.
The family however, who spent £6,500 on the holiday, are holding out for as close to a full refund as possible.
Jo said: “The worst bit was the rats, they were huge. I was putting my eldest son to bed and I thought I saw a lizard run across the floor, but then I realised it was a big rat’s tail. We were moved into a second room and there were still rats coming through a hole in the wall.
“Eventually they moved us into one of their luxury apartments but after one day workmen started digging and all we could hear was the sound of pneumatic drills.
“As far as the compensation goes, for us it is just a matter of principle, it was hard for us to get those two weeks off together and we will never get that time back.”